The Kathleen Doherty Turkel Award for Social Justice Activism has been established to honor the work of Dr. Turkel, who is retiring from the Department of Women & Gender Studies after 35 years of teaching at the University of Delaware, where she has been an inspirational teacher and mentor to thousands of students.
Kathleen Doherty Turkel received all of her degrees at the University of Delaware: a Bachelor of Arts with majors in Political Science and Art History, a Master of Arts in Political Science, and a Ph.D. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy. When the Women's Studies Program was established at UD in the 1980s, she was one of its first faculty members and its program coordinator. Along with several others, Kathleen organized the Women's History Month Film Series. She was instrumental in starting a series of Women's Studies Dinner Seminars featuring faculty scholars and national leaders in the field, both on and off campus.
The Program in Women's Studies became the full-fledged Department of Women & Gender Studies in 2011, and Dr.Turkel was—and remains—one of its most beloved and influential teachers. With teaching as her greatest passion, she has taught thousands of students. Focusing her life's work to understand how social inequalities are reproduced and maintained and equally committed to seeking strategies for building social justice, Dr. Turkel has influenced thousands of UD students and developed close and lasting relationships with many of the students with whom she worked.
The Kathleen Doherty Turkel Award for Social Justice Activism will provide an award to a student majoring in Women & Gender Studies in recognition of social justice activism on campus or in the larger community.
If you would like to recognize Dr. Turkel's teaching, scholarship, and lifelong engagement with social justice and activism, please consider making a contribution in support of the Kathleen Doherty Turkel Award for Social Justice Activism.