V-Day at UD joins efforts with members of SAGE to bring a voice to feminist issues on the University of Delaware’s campus. In March, V-Day hosts the annual Vagina Monologues, co-sponsored by Haven, M@N, SAGE, VOX, and speQtrum. Written by V-Day’s founder Eve Ensler, the play brings together female identified students to perform women’s monologues on sexuality, love, strength and social justice, with proceeds going to support Natasha's Justice Project.
During the Fall semester, V-day holds one of their most popular sex-positive events, Big-O-Bingo, the proceeds going to support Natasha’s Justice Project. V-Day has also hosted the annual LMFAO (Laughing My Feminist A** Off), a feminist comedy night.
Sexual Offense Support (SOS) is an on-campus group that offers support and resources to survivors of sexual assault. In October, SOS hosts their annual 5K, Glow for Hope, at the University of Delaware Green. Volunteers and community members joined in a fun night, raising money and awareness for the issues of sexual assault and intimate partner violence.